Sustainable Luxury Travel


Top Tips for Angkor Wat visitors

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat really is a marvel of the world. Of all of the impressive places I have visited in the world, this one really stood out and is definitely somewhere I am desperate to go back to.

Elisa temple

But you will likely not stay long, so it’s worth getting it right. Here are some tips to be aware of to really enjoy your trip.

Lara Croft
  • Time-wise allow yourself minimum a sunrise and a sunset day, if these can be on separate days that’s better. I visited for one evening and one full day, so had 2 sunset experiences and 1 sunrise and that felt about right, I can see it’s possible to get tired of temples if you stay much longer,
Monks Temple
  • Stay in Siem Reap, but be aware that there isn’t so much to do there. It takes about 10-15 minutes in a tuk tuk to take you to into the temple complex from there.
  • Hiring a tuk tuk for the day only costs around 20-30 USD and allows you so much flexibility to take everything in.
tuk tuk
  • You need to buy a pass to go into the temple complex, which come in 24 or 72 hour options. These can only be bought at a special ticket office which is away from Siem Reap and Angkor Wat. Allow 20 minutes for going there on top of your journey into the temples.
  • Pra Rup is my top tip for sunset. It’s not very busy so you can easily get a space to enjoy the sunset and the views are incredible. 
  • Phnom Bakheng is the famous spot for sunset, however they only allow a limited number of people in at a time, which you won’t know until you’ve climbed up the mountain. We ended up queuing for around 1.5 hours and only had 10 minutes inside the temple having just missed the sunset. Pra Rup is a much better experience and for me had a better view anyway.
Sunset Angkor Wat
  • Angkor Wat cannot be missed for sunrise, yes it will be busy, but it’s just breathtaking. Plan to arrive around 15 minutes before sunrise and head to the far left of the left hand lake if there is already a crowd.
Sunrise Angkor Wat
  • After watching the sunrise and having a quick look around Angkor Wat, head to some of the smaller temples for when they open. We went straight to Ta Phrom and felt as though we had it to ourselves.
Temple sunrise
  • Break your day up going back to your hotel for breakfast and a relax before going back for the afternoon and sunset, it gets very hot and very busy and could quickly become unpleasant.
Zen Elisa
  • Ladies, be aware that you need to have your shoulders and your knees covered. It is possible to buy the loose pants and sarongs there, but better to go prepared if you can.
Lara Croft
  • There are a lot of steps and rocks to climb up, down under and over so have some good trainers on for this.
Angkor Wat stairs